As a guideline to properly manage your home renovation you should take into account the following concepts:
Evaluate your home
Before you start any work, evaluate your home to identify problem areas, areas for improvement, and opportunities to save money. Assessing your home can help you decide what needs to be worked on, what needs to be repaired and what things can be reused.
Examine what you already have
Maybe you need a house extension to open up the house and give you the extra space you desire. Many people also tend to extend their kitchen, as a big part of their time may be spent there. Or perhaps just by reorganising the interior of your home you are able to maximise the available space.
Increase the energy efficiency of your home
The cheapest, fastest and easiest upgrade you can do to any home and that will have the fastest impact is to upgrade your roof insulation.
Make a plan and act it through
Consult your home improvement specialists, work with them, and make a list of the desired changes/improvements. Try to stick with what was decided and make an effort not to perform any extra changes to the project, or selected tasks, etc.
Plan ahead
Take into consideration your family future needs. Think of a period of 5 or 10 years and consider the needs of your family and home at that time. For example, if you now have a six-year-old child, what is he or is she going to need in ten years as a 16-year-old?
Also, you could consider preparing your home for when you get older by putting in a downstairs bathroom, for example, or replacing the bathroom and installing a walk-in shower. Or even setting up a room on the ground floor. Age-proofing your home is always a great measure.
Follow the rules and regulations
Obtain information with local authorities on the regulations and rules for renovating the home. You should be aware of the rules and follow them to make sure that there will be no problem during the home renovation.
By considering all these factors along with what areas to focus on, calculated costs and potential value-added profits, you can reduce your total spend on your renewals and have a clear picture of the desired outcome.